bool CheckForMMX()
__try {
__asm {
mov eax, 1
mov edi, pbMMX
mov DWORD ptr [edi], edx
bMMX = 0;
return ((bMMX & 0x00800000) != 0); // check bit 23
static int* g_px1a = NULL;
static int g_px1a_w = 0;
static int* g_px1ab = NULL;
static int g_px1ab_w = 0;
static bool g_bMMX = false;
static bool g_bMMX_known = false;
void Resize_HQ_4ch( unsigned char* src, int w1, int h1,
unsigned char* dest, int w2, int h2,
volatile bool* pQuitFlag )
// Both buffers must be in ARGB format, and a scanline should be w*4 bytes.
// If pQuitFlag is non-NULL, then at the end of each scanline, it will check
// the value at *pQuitFlag; if it's set to 'true', this function will abort.
// (This is handy if you're background-loading an image, and decide to cancel.)
// NOTE: THIS WILL OVERFLOW for really major downsizing (2800x2800 to 1x1 or more)
// (2800 ~ sqrt(2^23)) - for a lazy fix, just call this in two passes.
assert(w1 >= 1);
assert(h1 >= 1);
assert(w2 >= 1);
assert(h2 >= 1);
// check for MMX (one time only)
if (!g_bMMX_known)
g_bMMX = CheckForMMX();
g_bMMX_known = true;
if (w2*2==w1 && h2*2==h1)
// perfect 2x2:1 case - faster code
// (especially important because this is common for generating low (large) mip levels!)
DWORD *dsrc = (DWORD*)src;
DWORD *ddest = (DWORD*)dest;
if (g_bMMX==1)
// MMX LOOP - about 32% faster
// PREFETCH: no (...tests determined it was actually SLOWER)
// MASS PRESERVING (~remainders): *NO*
__m64 zero;
zero.m64_i32[0] = 0;
zero.m64_i32[1] = 0;
int i = 0;
for (int y2=0; y2<h2; y2++)
int y1 = y2*2;
DWORD* temp_src = &dsrc[y1*w1];
for (int x2=0; x2<w2; x2++)
__m64 a = *(__m64*)(&temp_src[ 0]); // ABCDEFGH
__m64 b = *(__m64*)(&temp_src[w1]); // IJKLMNOP
register __m64 c = _mm_unpacklo_pi8(a, zero); // 0E0F0G0H // PUNPCKLBW
register __m64 d = _mm_unpacklo_pi8(b, zero); // 0M0N0O0P // PUNPCKLBW
c = _mm_add_pi16(c, d);
d = _mm_unpackhi_pi8(a, zero);
c = _mm_add_pi16(c, d);
d = _mm_unpackhi_pi8(b, zero);
c = _mm_add_pi16(c, d);
c = _mm_srli_pi16(c, 2);
c = _mm_packs_pu16(c, c);
ddest[i++] = c.m64_u32[0];
temp_src += 2;
if (pQuitFlag && *pQuitFlag)
_mm_empty(); // do this always - just that __m64's existence, above, will tamper w/float stuff.
// PREFETCH: no (...tests determined it was actually SLOWER)
// MASS PRESERVING (~remainders): YES
DWORD remainder = 0;
int i = 0;
for (int y2=0; y2<h2; y2++)
int y1 = y2*2;
DWORD* temp_src = &dsrc[y1*w1];
for (int x2=0; x2<w2; x2++)
DWORD xUL = temp_src[0];
DWORD xUR = temp_src[1];
DWORD xLL = temp_src[w1];
DWORD xLR = temp_src[w1 + 1];
// note: DWORD packing is 0xAARRGGBB
DWORD redblue = (xUL & 0x00FF00FF) + (xUR & 0x00FF00FF) + (xLL & 0x00FF00FF) + (xLR & 0x00FF00FF) + (remainder & 0x00FF00FF);
DWORD green = (xUL & 0x0000FF00) + (xUR & 0x0000FF00) + (xLL & 0x0000FF00) + (xLR & 0x0000FF00) + (remainder & 0x0000FF00);
// redblue = 000000rr rrrrrrrr 000000bb bbbbbbbb
// green = xxxxxx00 000000gg gggggggg 00000000
remainder = (redblue & 0x00030003) | (green & 0x00000300);
ddest[i++] = ((redblue & 0x03FC03FC) | (green & 0x0003FC00)) >> 2;
temp_src += 2;
if (pQuitFlag && *pQuitFlag)
// arbitrary resize.
unsigned int *dsrc = (unsigned int *)src;
unsigned int *ddest = (unsigned int *)dest;
bool bUpsampleX = (w1 < w2);
bool bUpsampleY = (h1 < h2);
// If too many input pixels map to one output pixel, our 32-bit accumulation values
// could overflow - so, if we have huge mappings like that, cut down the weights:
// 256 max color value
// *256 weight_x
// *256 weight_y
// *256 (16*16) maximum # of input pixels (x,y) - unless we cut the weights down...
int weight_shift = 0;
float source_texels_per_out_pixel = ( (w1/(float)w2 + 1)
* (h1/(float)h2 + 1)
float weight_per_pixel = source_texels_per_out_pixel * 256 * 256; //weight_x * weight_y
float accum_per_pixel = weight_per_pixel*256; //color value is 0-255
float weight_div = accum_per_pixel / 4294967000.0f;
if (weight_div > 1)
weight_shift = (int)ceilf( logf((float)weight_div)/logf(2.0f) );
weight_shift = min(15, weight_shift); // this could go to 15 and still be ok.
float fh = 256*h1/(float)h2;
float fw = 256*w1/(float)w2;
if (bUpsampleX && bUpsampleY)
// faster to just do 2x2 bilinear interp here
// cache x1a, x1b for all the columns:
// ...and your OS better have garbage collection on process exit :)
if (g_px1a_w < w2)
if (g_px1a) delete [] g_px1a;
g_px1a = new int[w2*2 * 1];
g_px1a_w = w2*2;
for (int x2=0; x2<w2; x2++)
// find the x-range of input pixels that will contribute:
int x1a = (int)(x2*fw);
x1a = min(x1a, 256*(w1-1) - 1);
g_px1a[x2] = x1a;
for (int y2=0; y2<h2; y2++)
// find the y-range of input pixels that will contribute:
int y1a = (int)(y2*fh);
y1a = min(y1a, 256*(h1-1) - 1);
int y1c = y1a >> 8;
unsigned int *ddest = &((unsigned int *)dest)[y2*w2 + 0];
for (int x2=0; x2<w2; x2++)
// find the x-range of input pixels that will contribute:
int x1a = g_px1a[x2];//(int)(x2*fw);
int x1c = x1a >> 8;
unsigned int *dsrc2 = &dsrc[y1c*w1 + x1c];
unsigned int r=0, g=0, b=0, a=0;
unsigned int weight_x = 256 - (x1a & 0xFF);
unsigned int weight_y = 256 - (y1a & 0xFF);
for (int y=0; y<2; y++)
for (int x=0; x<2; x++)
unsigned int c = dsrc2[x + y*w1];
unsigned int r_src = (c ) & 0xFF;
unsigned int g_src = (c>> 8) & 0xFF;
unsigned int b_src = (c>>16) & 0xFF;
unsigned int w = (weight_x * weight_y) >> weight_shift;
r += r_src * w;
g += g_src * w;
b += b_src * w;
weight_x = 256 - weight_x;
weight_y = 256 - weight_y;
unsigned int c = ((r>>16)) | ((g>>8) & 0xFF00) | (b & 0xFF0000);
*ddest++ = c;//ddest[y2*w2 + x2] = c;
// cache x1a, x1b for all the columns:
// ...and your OS better have garbage collection on process exit :)
if (g_px1ab_w < w2)
if (g_px1ab) delete [] g_px1ab;
g_px1ab = new int[w2*2 * 2];
g_px1ab_w = w2*2;
for (int x2=0; x2<w2; x2++)
// find the x-range of input pixels that will contribute:
int x1a = (int)((x2 )*fw);
int x1b = (int)((x2+1)*fw);
if (bUpsampleX) // map to same pixel -> we want to interpolate between two pixels!
x1b = x1a + 256;
x1b = min(x1b, 256*w1 - 1);
g_px1ab[x2*2+0] = x1a;
g_px1ab[x2*2+1] = x1b;
for (int y2=0; y2<h2; y2++)
// find the y-range of input pixels that will contribute:
int y1a = (int)((y2 )*fh);
int y1b = (int)((y2+1)*fh);
if (bUpsampleY) // map to same pixel -> we want to interpolate between two pixels!
y1b = y1a + 256;
y1b = min(y1b, 256*h1 - 1);
int y1c = y1a >> 8;
int y1d = y1b >> 8;
for (int x2=0; x2<w2; x2++)
// find the x-range of input pixels that will contribute:
int x1a = g_px1ab[x2*2+0]; // (computed earlier)
int x1b = g_px1ab[x2*2+1]; // (computed earlier)
int x1c = x1a >> 8;
int x1d = x1b >> 8;
unsigned int r=0, g=0, b=0, a=0;
for (int y=y1c; y<=y1d; y++)
unsigned int weight_y = 256;
if (y1c != y1d)
if (y==y1c)
weight_y = 256 - (y1a & 0xFF);
else if (y==y1d)
weight_y = (y1b & 0xFF);
unsigned int *dsrc2 = &dsrc[y*w1 + x1c];
for (int x=x1c; x<=x1d; x++)
unsigned int weight_x = 256;
if (x1c != x1d)
if (x==x1c)
weight_x = 256 - (x1a & 0xFF);
else if (x==x1d)
weight_x = (x1b & 0xFF);
unsigned int c = *dsrc2++;//dsrc[y*w1 + x];
unsigned int r_src = (c ) & 0xFF;
unsigned int g_src = (c>> 8) & 0xFF;
unsigned int b_src = (c>>16) & 0xFF;
unsigned int w = (weight_x * weight_y) >> weight_shift;
r += r_src * w;
g += g_src * w;
b += b_src * w;
a += w;
// write results
unsigned int c = ((r/a)) | ((g/a)<<8) | ((b/a)<<16);
*ddest++ = c;//ddest[y2*w2 + x2] = c;
if (pQuitFlag && *pQuitFlag)
} |