Welcome to the official MilkDrop homepage.
What is MilkDrop?

MilkDrop is a music visualizer - a "plug-in" to the Winamp music player.
As you listen your music in Winamp, MilkDrop takes you flying through the
actual soundwaves you're hearing, and uses beat detection to trigger
myriad psychedelic effects, creating a rich visual journey through sound.
MilkDrop can also be driven by a live audio feed (microphone or line-in) -
see the documentation for details.
MilkDrop 2 is now here, rocking the pixel shaders. Check out these screenshots.
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Where can I get it?

MilkDrop comes with Winamp; to download the latest version, just get the latest version of Winamp.
The latest version, MilkDrop 2.0d, was released in January 2008.
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System Requirements

Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP, Vista, or 7.
Highly Recommended - one of the following video cards:
Nvidia GeForce 5700 or better (FX 5700+; 6000 series; 7000 series; 8000 series)
ATI Radeon 9600 or better (9600+; X600+; HD series)
...or any video card with support for Pixel Shader Model 2.0 or higher.
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A video card with at least 8 MB of video memory and support for DirectX 9.
Winamp 5.12 or later.
DirectX 9.0 or later.
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When you install Winamp, make sure the "MilkDrop 2" visualizer option
is selected, so that it gets installed, too.
After the installation completes, launch Winamp. Be sure to
play some music before trying to launch the visualizer - otherwise
you'll get a black screen. Once some music is playing, hit
CTRL+K and a list of visualization plug-ins will appear. Select
"MilkDrop 2" from the list. Click "Start" and it will launch the
visualizer. If you want to go full-screen, just double-click
on the visualizer itself.
To configure MilkDrop's options, exit the visualizer and hit ALT+K.
If you have trouble getting MilkDrop to run properly after installation, try installing various recent WHQL drivers for your video card;
this will almost always fix the problem. See the Troubleshooting section of the
documentation for more information.
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Downloads and Links

View the Documentation (milkdrop.html)
View the Preset Authoring Guide (milkdrop_preset_authoring.html)
What's New? (change log)
Downloads -
Message Boards - please use these instead of e-mail, so that everyone can listen in:
Other Resources
milkdrop.co.uk - very useful site where you can download the most recent user-created presets in one nice Zip file. Also features an extended preset authoring guide that can be extremely helpful to beginning preset authors.
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MilkDrop was written by Ryan Geiss and is copyright (c) 2001-2012 Nullsoft, Inc.